Remember that movie that came out a couple of years ago, Julia and Julie. Julie tries to recreate all of Julia Child's recipes in her cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The other day I got the Harmony Guide Knit Edgings & Trims book. 150 different edges and trims for your knitting projects.....and then I got an idea. (Famous last words :)) Why not try to make a sample of all of them? It would a nice way to boost my knitting skills. When I can't figure out how to do something knitting wise, I go on You-tube and look for a video. Can't thank those ladies enough who make those videos.
I've made 3 trims so far. Only 147 more to go!! :) Actually that's a lie. I made 4 but the 4th one turned out terrible so I'll be re-doing it.
So far Leaf Edging is my favorite. I would like that at the bottom edge of a sweater.
If I forgot to mention...if they turn this project into a movie, I'd like Sandra Bullock to play me. Wonder if she knits? She should start learning now...just in case :)
Leaf Edging Page 22 |
Scalloped Ruffle Page 41 |
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