I was just officially tagged by Really Petite to do my Seven Confessions....it's a great way to learn more about each other, after all.
English is my primary language, but not my first. Though I was born in Canada, I exclusively spoke Cantonese until I kindergarten and started school only knowing a very few words! My parents didn't want to teach me English because they wanted me to learn from "native speakers" and didn't want me to pick up any sort of Hong Kong accent. I know a few kids who did learn from their parents and they didn't lose whatever traces of HK English for at least a year or two. What's weird is that some people still think I have some sort of accent (though not a Hong Kong one)...a lot of people think I sort of sound British at times (don't really know where they get that, unless they mean my singing accent, which CAN sound British).
I've been officially online since 1995: My mom got the family dial up that year and I've been participating on various forums (and later, blogs) since then. One of the earliest sites I was active on was Broadway related. Outside of the petite blogging world, I'm often seen commenting on sites like Jezebel (as Petitegal) and Television without Pity (as PRgal).
I went to a girls-only school: Actually, I went to two. One in Bermuda (where I spent Grade 7) and another one when I came back to Toronto. I loved the Toronto school, much, much more and am very proud to call myself an Old Girl (alumna) of The Bishop Strachan School (aka BSS), one of the oldest day and boarding schools in the country (founded in 1867, the same year as Canadian Confederation). John Irving actually set part of his book, A Prayer for Owen Meany in it!
I love to cook: This probably comes from the fact that my grandmother (who pretty much ran the household) believed that my job was to study and play the piano. I was allowed to bake, but it took a lot of convincing for her (told her that I needed to do it for Brownies) to allow me to make something that resembled a meal. Most of the stuff I like to make are quick and easy-to-make, such as: a turkey based pasta sauce, breaded chicken and stuffed steamed peppers.
I took singing lessons for almost 10 years: Yes, from the age of 13 until just before I turned 23! I was also heavily involved with vocal music in high school, singing in choir as well as smaller ensembles. In fact, I was originally admitted to university for a music specialization (not major - this was for an actual Bachelor of MUSIC degree rather than a Bachelor of Arts with a major in music). I actually had dreams of becoming a Broadway actress (and speaking of Broadway...)
I've seen Les Miserables 8 times: I've seen it three times in Toronto, three times in New York and twice in London. The most recent was when I was on my honeymoon where we saw the special 25th anniversary production at the Barbican (the original venue where Les Miz opened back in 1985). Back in 1998, I actually considered skipping school to go to an open audition for the show, but decided that I was A: Not good enough B: Even if I WAS good enough, I'd be regulated to chorus (hey, even if for whatever crazy reason I ended up as Eponine, being Asian, critics would probably compare me to Lea Salonga (pretty much every Asian actress in the role has)) C: Skipping school is bad, especially when you have a test and play rehearsals the same day...four years later I auditioned for Rent, just for kicks.
I'm a published author: OK, I don't know if this really counts, since this is in my profile for Shorty Stories. My debut novel, Aspirations, was published back in 2007. I wrote the novel while I was in graduate school because I was really bored writing my thesis/research paper. The book focuses on four young women the year after they graduated from university. Before the novel was published, I also had an article about being part of the "Bridge/Cusper" generation (pretty much anyone born between 1976 and 1981 or 1982 - not really Generation X, but not a Millennial (post 1982) either) that was published in the Toronto Star.
I'm now tagging (you may have already been tagged by someone else):
Evolving Style (Banhannas)
The Petite Blogger
a fashion deliberation
Alterations Needed (Kelly)
Extra Petite (Jean)