Join us for Fandemonium at the Red Stick International Animation Festival

Artists draw and paint with computers, and scientists convey their complex theories in color and motion. The Red Stick International Animation Festival highlights this convergence celebrating art, motion, and exploration in downtown Baton Rouge. Red Stick 2010 will take place Nov. 10-13, 2010.

The movement toward convergence highlights not only the new set of technical skills that artists employ, but likewise the artistic vision that scientists are embracing. The worlds of the artist and scientist are folding in on one another, and Baton Rouge is at a unique moment in time to embrace this sea of change, further it, and make it our own.

The Laboratory for Creative Arts & Technologies (LCAT) is an integral research facility within LSU's Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT. The central functions of the lab's efforts converge on a single purpose: to articulate discovery through the intersections of creativity, technology, and human expression. Discovery is not limited to scientific pursuits; it also is the language of art, music, and human interaction. The Red Stick Festival is designed to convey this by highlighting one of the most technically driven art forms available to everyone: animation.
Red Stick International Animation Festival.
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