New York Times article on small boobs and bras

Check it out here

One issue I have with petite-focused bra companies is that though many have smaller back sizes in 28s and 30s, most don't go over a B cup.  So where are all the women with small backs but larger cup sizes supposed to shop?  Though I've been fitted for a 30B from The Little Bra Company, the "girls" look like they're going to spill out of the cups in some styles (we're talking about lingerie ad boobs here), so I have a feeling that I might be a 30C in some styles (which would fit me better than their 32B).  Also, there are some petite bra brands which don't make anything smaller than a 32 (Triumph, I am looking at you).  If you're supposed to be "petite" shouldn't you be making smaller band sizes?  Just a thought.

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