Banana Republic's After 5 Event

This past Tuesday, I attended Banana Republic's After 5 Style event at the Bloor Street store in Toronto. This was a spontaneous decision as I just happened to walk by the store and saw a guy with a guitar. I had actually thought that the event was private, but was glad that it was not.

The After 5 event was held at many (all?) stores across the globe to promote the fall line. Shoppers got to try the collection and have their picture taken by a professional photographer (a store rep was at the door asking people whether they were interested in being in the shoot - those who were had to sign a release form as their picture might be posted in the store's window). Usually at these events, photographers would only take three or four pictures at most, but not here. Perhaps I was there early - around 5:30 pm, when people were just getting out of the office, but the photographer must have taken at least 50 or 60. It took them at least two or three minutes to scroll through my entire shoot. Not only did I wear the outfit I had originally tried on (leggings, long cardigan and scarf) but a sales associate/stylist also added a leather jacket (probably one that was at least a size too big for me) and some bling. As a result, half the pictures taken consisted of my original outfit and the other half with the jacket and jewellery. The event was loads of fun and hopefully, the picture will actually end up outside the store.

In addition to the photographer, there were also nibblies for shoppers and purchases over $100 were given a 25% discount. My final purchase consisted of the sweater, leggings and also a pair of jeans.
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