LOFT and "Real People" on Facebook

Recently, LOFT posted pictures of staff wearing the same style of cargo pants on Facebook.  The "models" varied in size, ranging from 5'3" to 5'10" and sizes 2 to 12.  This caused a burst of comments on their Facebook page and in the general blogsphere, and were both positive and negative.  There were those who congratulated them for using "real" women, yet others who said that it made them NOT want to purchase the item.  Question to those people: So you're saying that you would purchase the item if it were on a tall, slim woman, even if you looked more like the employees in the photos?  Does.  Not.  Compute. 

One issue I *DID* have was photo quality - some of the images looked like they were either taken with bad lighting (and/or an older cell phone camera).  I am not looking for perfect pictures - I realize that the photos are snapshots, not professional images which have been edited - but it could be a bit better.  However, I am very happy that a store has answered to its followers' requests for using "real people" rather than professional models.  We get to see what things look like on us!!

(the picture here is of LOFT's digital manager, who is 5'3")
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