Cartoon,Animation,Cartoon,illustration,comics, Comics, Cartoons,Lanuez,Peru,Javier Prado,mamie and mable,fifi lapin,shorty stories,a site to rant,celebrate petiteness,oren anne,Kiraz Prensesi,Birak Daginik Kalsin.
Being "petite" - People *STILL* don't get it....
In a recent Facebook status update, I wrote that 100% of my jeans are in petite sizes. A few people responded something along the lines of "but you're so tiny!" - many of these people were petite themselves, but were close to petite-plus than a "standard" petite. These are people who don't know that they are, despite being a size 16 or larger, petite as well. This is why this blog (and others like it) exist. We need to get the word out that "petite" doesn't mean short and tiny (as in less than size 4), but short, period. There are also those who think that anyone under size 4 is petite - even if they're 5'8" (I think the only place where 5'8" is considered petite is perhaps the Netherlands). Why is it so difficult for people to get that? Why can't they understand that anyone under 5'4" is petite? I think What Not To Wear is the ONLY place where I've heard anyone mention petite-plus. Sad, no?