April Poll Results

Last month, Shorty Stories asked what you thought of ANTM's decision to do a petite cycle in the fall and whether they'll still focus on fashion, even though shorter models can never make it in the industry. The results are as follows:

27.8% said: Of COURSE Tyra's going to focus on fashion! How many of the contestants have actually made it big-big, anyway?

22.2% said: There's going to be more of a focus on commercial, with a little bit of fashion with petite focused/petite-friendly designers.

0% said: Who decided on a petite cycle anyway?

27.8% said:They're doing a petite cycle?

22.2% said: Other

What do you think of these results? Do you agree? Do you think Tyra should actually focus on petite and petite-friendly designers?

Oh, and don't forget to take part in the May poll question, found on the right hand sidebar.
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