Cartoon,Animation,Cartoon,illustration,comics, Comics, Cartoons,Lanuez,Peru,Javier Prado,mamie and mable,fifi lapin,shorty stories,a site to rant,celebrate petiteness,oren anne,Kiraz Prensesi,Birak Daginik Kalsin.
News for Short Guys
I don't normally write about short guys - after all, I'm female, but scanning Short Shrifted yesterday, I found a link to Short Men Style. This site provides a style guide for all men shorter than 5'8", including measuring, style tips, and of course, best places to shop (includes both regular stores as well as specialty shops). It's probably more difficult to be a short guy than a short woman - there are fewer places to help short guys, online or otherwise. If you search hard enough, you'll probably find twice as many (if not, more) designers and brands which cater to shorter women than for short guys (although I have to admit that men often have better choices when it comes to pants lengths, but being short isn't only about having short legs (something that many companies forget))! Anyway, I hope this site helps guys who are on the shorter side.