In these times we are all thinking about how we can feel a bit better about shopping especially for clothing and that's why I get so darn excited about etsy.
It's like a huge ethical shopping centre and with a bit of rootling you can find some really great vintage pieces and some amazing designs from small producers and crafts people.
Every purchase gives you a glow of excitement as you think how happy you just made that shopkeeper and how happy your going to be when the postman rings the bell instead of just stuffing the bills through!
I am in the lucky position not to have to worry too much about money (Daddy's carrot and lettuce shares are still doing just about ok) but I do have friends who aren't so lucky, and being lucky doesn't stop me shopping on etsy... I do love playing personal shopper!
It's like a huge ethical shopping centre and with a bit of rootling you can find some really great vintage pieces and some amazing designs from small producers and crafts people.
Every purchase gives you a glow of excitement as you think how happy you just made that shopkeeper and how happy your going to be when the postman rings the bell instead of just stuffing the bills through!
I am in the lucky position not to have to worry too much about money (Daddy's carrot and lettuce shares are still doing just about ok) but I do have friends who aren't so lucky, and being lucky doesn't stop me shopping on etsy... I do love playing personal shopper!

Happy Shopping
bunny kisses
Fifi lapin