I'm very excited about Sex and the City: The Movie, which opens in just under two weeks. I've never really been much of a Carrie fan or Carrie girl (every quiz I've done has me as Charlotte or a combination of Charlotte and Miranda), but I admire the character. She is definitely the epitome of the "single girl" the late 20th and early 21st centuries. She is our Mary Richards (The Mary Tyler Moore Show). But one thing has had me wondering: Could Carrie have been played by another actress? One who is taller? I would say no.
Now why do I say that? The character of Carrie Bradshaw is kind of immature. I really don't think Big calls Carrie "Kid" out of affection in the sense a boyfriend calls a girlfriend "sweetie" or even "baby." It's because Carrie gives off the cuteness of a younger woman, someone who is kind of immature. Yes, Carrie Bradshaw is a 21 or 22 year old trapped in a 30-something woman's body. She has an air of freshness in her that most women in their 30s don't have. In many ways, she's just younger than she is. Look at her 30-something friends, Miranda and Charlotte. While they were single and looking (just like Carrie) in the early seasons, they were much more "grown-up." Charlotte and Miranda eventually came to realize that their ideal men weren't what they thought when they were younger, while Carrie continued to pine away for Big, giving up Aidan, whom she SHOULD have settled down with (Sam is another story. She's also a few years older than the other women). Carrie is supposed to be strong, yet vulnerable at the same time. While a tall Carrie may be able to pull certain clothes off better than Sarah Jessica Parker (not that SJP doesn't look good in clothes), a tall actress cannot convincingly play the role.