and wealthy. This is, of course, not really such a surprise, IMHO. According to a Daily Mail article, qualities the ideal man should have include: being at least 5'10", weighs exactly 12 stones, 7 lb (175 lb - I would assume that this would be in proportion to his height...a 6'2" male can weigh more), holds a university degree and is a doctor or a lawyer (other qualities include not having more than six sexual partners and no previous marriages or kids.) British women, like their North American counterparts, don't like smokers nor do they want to be "sports widows" (the article specifically said that "football [soccer] fans were given the thumbs-down.") The article also sites Jake Gyllenhal as an example of the "ideal." So ladies, do you agree with this "find"? Does Jake fit your ideal? (Jake isn't really my type...Guys I do like: Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, Jude Law, Harry Connick, Jr.)Or do you prefer shorter guys? Would you choose, say, Daniel Radcliffe or Elijah Wood (both 5'6" according to IMDB) over someone who is at least average height? And what about the ideal woman? Do guys have one "ideal" for a shorter term relationship and another for marriage/long term (I'd prefer a straight male answer this, but I'm open to other answers too)? Do you think this "ideal" comes from cultural conditioning? What's the "ideal" in other cultures? I would assume that in say, Japan or Hong Kong, the "ideal man" is a variant of the above, though appearance will differ slightly.
By the way, according to this same study, only 2% of British women say they'll date a guy shorter than 5'.
By the way, according to this same study, only 2% of British women say they'll date a guy shorter than 5'.