Cartoon,Animation,Cartoon,illustration,comics, Comics, Cartoons,Lanuez,Peru,Javier Prado,mamie and mable,fifi lapin,shorty stories,a site to rant,celebrate petiteness,oren anne,Kiraz Prensesi,Birak Daginik Kalsin.
A Petite Fashion Magazine used to exist....SERIOUSLY!
According to an article from JS Online (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel), a magazine for petite women launched back in 2001. It was a quarterly that was distributed across the United States focusing on, what else, fashion and lifestyle for petite women. But it died a very quick death. Its domain is apparently an adult site now. But why did this happen? I realize that print magazines don't do as well anymore, but this was supposed to be different. It was a specialty sized publication. Even the plus-sized magazines seem to last at least a few years. Petite Magazine barely lasted one or two issues. Funding was probably the biggest issue. I think many companies avoid highly specialized magazines because they don't feel that it's marketable. This is partly the advertisers' fault for not understanding us. It's also our fault for not demanding that they understand us. Many jurisdictions offer services such as driving tests in other languages such as Chinese (both Cantonese and Mandarin) and Spanish, even if people who live in the area who speak those languages are less than 30%. These communities also have their own publications, and people know about these publications. Ask anyone in the Chinese communities in North America and they can tell you that they've heard of newspapers like Ming Pao (to the Toronto site, in Chinese) and Sing Tao (NY site, in English) Petite women? We make up 43% of the population, yet outside of blog and webzines, we have nothing. I'm not saying blogs, webzines and blogzines are bad. They're the way to go these days. In fact, I'm going to launch one soon, as a side project (don't worry, I'll still be updating this site) But not everyone is tech savvy, and since many petite women are not of the tech generation, they are the ones being left out.