Award Winning Actresses and Height, Part II

On Friday, I listed the Outstanding Leading Actress winners for the past seven Emmys, broken down into the three categories that they are awarded. Today, I will list the seven Best Actress Academy Award winners, from the 2001 to 2007 (it's actually 2000 to 2006, since the movies that qualify for the awards must be released the year before.) Once again, most height stats are based on info from IMDB:

2007: Helen Mirren (The Queen), 5'4"

2006: Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line), 5'2"

2005: Hillary Swank (Million Dollar Baby), 5'5"

2004: Charlize Theron (Monster), 5'9 1/2"

2003: Nicole Kidman (The Hours), 5'10 1/2"

2002: Halle Berry (Monster's Ball), 5'7"

2001: Julia Roberts (Erin Brocovich), 5'9"

Average height of winners from 2001-2007: About 5'6 3/4"

This is a almost two inches taller than the average Emmy winner! Another interesting point is that the two petite actresses who won in the Best Actress category were playing real people.

Next up: The Golden Globes- Since the average Emmy winning lead actress is almost 5'5" and the average Oscar winner in almost 5'7", will the average Golden Globes actress (with both movie and television awards) be about 5'6"? Find out Tuesday!
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