Cartoon,Animation,Cartoon,illustration,comics, Comics, Cartoons,Lanuez,Peru,Javier Prado,mamie and mable,fifi lapin,shorty stories,a site to rant,celebrate petiteness,oren anne,Kiraz Prensesi,Birak Daginik Kalsin.
A Challenge for the Fashion (Media) Industry, UPDATE
Remember the video (above) I posted here last month? Well, I've since sort of heard back from a few sources. Nothing too spectacular, which was what I had thought anyway. One fashion-related source said that they'd "pass it on" to the producers (read: "thank you very much for the e-mail, but this is the dumbest idea I've ever heard") and a radio station said they'd "look into it." (ditto) after I sent a follow-up. I received e-mails from a big wig in the Canadian fashion industry who sent me very short messages asking me to clarify what I was talking about both in the initial e-mail and the follow-up. I was pretty clear in my video (unless she happened to NOT see it...the reply was sent via Blackberry) and in the body of the e-mail both times. If they don't want to do it, why don't they just say that? As I've said before, I'd really like to see the fashion related media acknowledge this as an issue like they have (somewhat) with plus sizes. The last time the media paid any attention to petites was when Saks (and a few other department stores) cut their petite department last year. Even then, it was a writer for the business section of the New York Times. What do you suggest I do to get the word out? Another release in the near future? Honestly, I don't think protesting with huge signs during Fashionweek would even do anything (not that I would do that). And I'm not the type of person who'd just accept the fact that they don't really want to do anything about it.