April 2007 Survey Results

Below are the April 2007 results:

The question was: Would you rather be 5'0 and a size 0 or 5'7 and size 14?

To summarize:
34% said: 5'0" even and size zero. I like being tiny and delicate
3.8% said: 5'7" and size 14. You're wearing a larger size, but at least pants and tops are cut at the right length. Alterations won't cost as much, if at all.
34% said: Neither. I'd like to be 5'7" or so and a size 6 or 8.
18.9% said: Neither. I'd like to be 5'10 or taller and a small size so I can be a model
9.4% said: None of the above (aka neither)

Personally, I think these results show that there's a dire need of more petite sizes and that we as petite women are an ignored segment of society that, without media attention, would continue to be ignored. What do you think?

By the way: The May Survey is up!

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