Cartoon,Animation,Cartoon,illustration,comics, Comics, Cartoons,Lanuez,Peru,Javier Prado,mamie and mable,fifi lapin,shorty stories,a site to rant,celebrate petiteness,oren anne,Kiraz Prensesi,Birak Daginik Kalsin.
Are there really people who have no clue what vanity sizing is? According to the March results of my survey, 30% repsonded that they had no clue! I mean, HELLO!!!!! Why do you think size zero is so common now and why did Marilyn Monroe wear a size 14 when her measurements were 36 (38?)-24-36 (or something to that extent)? No WAY is that a size 14 by today's standards (so yes, your intro to Women's Studies prof has been lying to you).