"Ollanta" Feature Animation

Art Concept para el proyecto de largometraje "Ollanta" (Javier Prado,1991) Proyecto aun en búsqueda de financiamiento.
(Based on the anonymous Quechua poem Ollanta)
Adapted and Written: by Victoria Chicon
Ollanta, the most courageous and loyal Inca warrior, returns victorious to Cuzco – the Inca Empire’s capital - from annexing the northern Andes to the Inca Empire. Celebration and campaign briefings follow his arrival. An atmosphere of prosperity and peace seem to have come to the Inca Empire. This atmosphere of calm is stirred by a love affair that threatens to erode the core values and traditions of the empire.
Ollanta falls in love with the Princes Cusi Coyllur. However, the Princess belongs to a sacred cult, which forbids their love. Ollanta reveals his love for the Princes to Willac Uma – the Inca’s closest adviser and priest – Willac Uma warns him about the implications of this reckless relationship. Despite the warnings, Ollanta arranges a meeting with the Inca Pachacutec – the ruler of the Empire and father of Cusi Coyllur. Ollanta pleads to the Inca for the love of the Princess. The Inca, outraged and saddened to learn of their relationship, decides to keep the two lovers apart. He sends Ollanta south to engage the ruthless Chayanta and his rebel forces. The Princess Cusi Coyllur is helpless to influence her father’s decision.
Mean while, Chayanta’s forces manage to infiltrate Cuzco. The rebels ambush Ollanta and take him prisoner. Ollanta’s closest aids are also captured, all except Piquichaqui. Later, disguised as Ollanta, Chayanta attacks and destroys several villages spreading terror and desperation among Inca subjects. Confused by the appearances, the Inca Pachacutec declares Ollanta a traitor and sends Rumiñawi against him. The Princess Cusi Coyllur, brokenhearted and angry at her father’s quick judgement of Ollanta, joins forces with Piquichaqui to embark on an adventure, which leads them to the truth about Ollanta’s alleged treason.

Under the watchful eyes of Piquichaqui and a few highly skill Inca warriors, Princess Cusi Coyllur infiltrates Chayanta’s headquarters. Distributing food among Chayanta’s men, she soon discovers that Ollanta has been kidnapped and is under guard in a secret place. With some help from the locals, the Princess gains access to Chayanta’s plans to conquest the empire. Piquichaqui and the princess develop a strategy to free Ollanta and destroy Chayanta’s evil plans. They send a secret massage to Rumiñawi, revealing the truth about Ollanta, the plans of Chayanta, and telling him when to attack. Rumiñawi, skeptical of the news, puts the messenger under guard and decides to develop his own plan to get to Ollanta.

Disguise as a beggar, Rumiñawi enters Chayanta’s domains. He requests to see their leader. Dressed in Ollanta’s garment Chayanta meets Rumiñawi. Chayanta is surprise at Rumiñawi’s reckless approach; and, He announces the defeat of the Inca. Now that he has Ollanta in prison and Rumiñawi helpless at his front, he feels invulnerable. However, His satisfaction is short-lived as Inca forces move in for an ambush. In the confusion, Princess Cusi Coyllur and Piquichaqui manage to free Ollanta. In a furious battle, Chayanta is taken prisoner and his forces flee in defeat. The triumph of the Inca forces and the news of the liberation of Ollanta travel fast through the Empire. At home, the Inca Pachacutec waits for the arrival of the triumphant warriors and his loving daughter Cusi Coyllur.

The Inca faces a dilemma. He has to choose between the love of his daughter and hundreds of years of tradition. He looks deep into the eyes of his daughter and finds the courage and wisdom to grant her the dream of freedom that traditions forbid.

Historical Research and Story Adaptation
Victoria Chicon
Victoria Chicon
Benicio Vicente Kou
Javier Prado
Character Desings
Javier Prado
Costums Design and Research
Olga Zaferson
Patricia Cachay
Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
Feature Animation
Duration: 90 min. Posted by Hello
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